
Helping 100 Women Business Owners Learn and Leverage the Power of AI in 2024.

Feeling left behind in the fast-paced AI conversation? Let’s change that! I’m here to be your personal AI tutor, guiding you into the world of AI and how it can help you be more efficient, reduce stress, and free up your time.

Be Part of the AI100

Teaching 100 Women in 2024

In a tech world often dominated by male voices, it’s crucial that women also take the lead, especially in the burgeoning field of AI. AI100 is dedicated to bridging this gap, empowering women business owners to become pioneers in AI technology. By focusing on women, we’re not just leveling the playing field; we’re creating a diverse, inclusive, and richer tech landscape. This initiative is about more than just learning; it’s about inspiring and equipping women to shape the future of technology and business.

It’s Time

Embrace the power of AI and transform the way you do business. With AI100, you’re not just adopting new technology; you’re setting your business up for innovative growth and success. Ready to start your AI learning?


Who can attend?

  • Business Owners
  • Your Assistant or Team Member, preferably one person at a time.

How will this work?

  • Schedule your personal 90-minute AI Tutoring session with me.
  • Following our session, you’ll receive the recording, notes, and recommendations.
  • We’ll schedule a 30-minute check-in meeting two weeks later to cover any follow-up questions you have thought of.
